Auckland Zoo – Te Wao Nui Area Project

As part of the new Te Wao Nui area at the Auckland Zoo, H2O Engineering was awarded the contract to undertake Water Treatment and Reticulation work for the various exhibits that make up this new part of the Zoo. The scope for this project included detailed design, installation and commissioning of each of the various systems.

CLIENT: NZ Strong Construction


  • The project was split up into five key areas: Wetlands
  • This section included Reticulation for the Main Pond, Water Fall, Water Treatment Plant and Reticulation for the Eel Tank and a Misting System.
  • Eel Tank treatment comprises of 2 x Sand Filters and a UV Disinfection system and De-Gasser. Night Forest This area comprised of an Aged Water System, Night Stream Reticulation, Giant Kokopu Tank and Kiwi Enclosure Water Features. High Country
    Included in this area are the Reticulation Systems for the Blue Duck and Kea Streams Island Sanctuary
    This exhibit comprises of a Stream System for the Island Sanctuary and a small Pond and Stream for the Tuatara exhibit.
  • Non-Potable Water Treatment Plant
    This part of the project required the partial demolition of an existing plant, installation of a Pre-Filter, 2 x Sand Filters and a UV Disinfection system along with re-instatement of Depth Filtration/Softener Plant. These systems are used to treat water from the on-site bore and water extracted from Western Springs.
  • All the contracted works were completed on time and budget during construction works for the new exhibits in 2011.